Building & Beautification Projects

Building & Beautification Projects

Building & Beautification Projects

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For questions or media inquiries, contact Tarshel Beards, Manager of Community Relations:

Teen Art Mural program at Martin Luther King Branch of Oakland Public Library on May 5, 2023.

Current Projects

AAMLO Preservation of African American Collections & Energy Update

This update includes roof, HVAC, exterior terracotta, wood doors, windows, and interior finishes. Provides recommendations for repair and replacement, and develop PS&E for Bid, Award and Construction.

Brookfield Library Renovation

Demolish existing children's reading room and build new, expanded children's reading room.

Feasibility study for a new 10,000 square foot facility, per adopted FY19-21 Capital Improvement Project.

Feasibility study for a new or relocated Main Library.

Main Library Renovation

Renovation of Main Library including electrical, lighting and flooring repair or replacement, painting, lighting and boiler controls, community room split HVAC.

MLK Library Bike Workshop

Expand Bike Workshop program by adding converted shipping containers to the rear of the MLK Library site for storage and workshops. Associated site and paving work by DOT. Security fencing and gates, and electrical service hookup, mechanical ventilation. Some ancillary additions as hand and tool washing station, electric bike charging and fixed seating for demonstration and workshops.

Feasibility study and renovation for a new Piedmont Branch Library.

Rockridge Library Energy Upgrade Project

Teen Zone improvements; Energy Analysis and upgrade throughout facility including adding air conditioning and consider window repair, adding film, ceiling fans, electric heat pumps, and scope as identified upon project evaluation report and survey. Once scope is recommended and accepted with associated cost, move onto Phase II to complete design documentation, provide construction support services through closeout.

Feasibility Study to complete a comprehensive development plan that includes community input and City needs such as; Library, Parks and Recreation, Head Start and Resilience Center, etc.

Tool Lending Library at Temescal Library

Design and installation of a complete and independent Tool Lending Library space behind the Temescal Branch Library with associated site work. Units may be prefabricated.

West Oakland Resilience Hub

Study 3 City facilities - WO Library, WO Senior Center and deFremery to create new West Oakland Hub and complete 35% design.

Completed Projects

Remodel of the Asian Branch which includes upgraded flooring.


Interior of the Asian Branch before remodeling in 2021.


Asian Branch Remodel, 7/31/21, by Doug Zimmerman

Mural at the entrance at the César Chávez Branch of by Artist Xochitl Guerrero.


OPL Cesar Chavez Mural


César Chávez Library Mural

Renovations include flooring upgrades.


Eastmont Branch Library, 11/2021, by Doug Zimmerman


Eastmont Branch Library, 2/14/2022 by Doug Zimmerman

The Elmhurst Branch is the First All-Electric Building in the City of Oakland!

New Energy Improvements include:

  • Point of Use (POU) electric hot water heaters.
  • Electric heat pump system for heating and cooling with improved filtration.
  • Repaired windows with new low solar heat gain window film.
  • Smart thermostats and exhaust fans.

Beautification features include:

  • New all-gender ADA accessible restroom.
  • New flooring.
  • Exterior painting.
  • New garden storage unit.
  • Improved garden irrigation system.


Elmhurst Backyard, 1/12/2023 by Doug Zimmerman


Elmhurst Renovation Reopening

Cosmetic improvements include new paint and murals painted by young artists from neighboring schools.


OPL's Martin Luther King Jr., Branch before its new coat of paint.


The Martin Luther King, Jr. Branch after its new paint job.

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