Housing & Social Services
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Housing & Shelter Resource Pamphlets
Local Resources
Emergency Rental Assistance Application, opens a new window
Find a Shelter, opens a new window
Keep Oakland Housed, opens a new window
Housing Services (oaklandca.gov), opens a new window
Oakland Housing Authority, opens a new window
Rent Adjustment Program, opens a new window
Tenant Services (Just Cause - Causa Justa), opens a new window
Steps to Find Affordable Housing, opens a new window
2-1-1 Resource Finder, opens a new window
Berkeley Information Network, opens a new window
CalWorks Housing Assistance, opens a new window
Find Affordable Housing, opens a new window
Survivors of Domestic Violence or Intimate Partner Violence, opens a new window
Emergency Shelters & Hotel Vouchers, opens a new window
Housing and Emergency Lodging Program (HELP), opens a new window
SoS - Temporary Housing/Bills Assistance, opens a new window
ACCE Oakland, opens a new window
Asian Pacific Environmental Network, opens a new window
Bay Area Community Services, opens a new window
Causa Justa - Just Cause Oakland, opens a new window
Center for Independent Living (CIL), opens a new window
Housing & Disability Advocacy Program, opens a new window
Tenants Together, opens a new window
Find Local Assistance
For general resource information, visit Alameda County's Resource Finder page or call 2-1-1.
You can also text 898211 during business hours.