OPL Newsletters

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We Have Three E-Newsletters You Can Subscribe To.

Your Library This Month

Stay connected with what OPL has to offer by signing up for our monthly eNewsletter. In our newsletters you'll find feature stories on your library, staff reading recommendations, information on local events, and more.

Here's an example, opens a new window of OPL's newsletter.

AAMLO eNewsletter

Read feature stories and get related book recommendations on fascinating topics from the African American Museum and Library at Oakland (AAMLO). Get regular updates on what's going on at AAMLO, including events and programs.

Here's an example, opens a new window of AAMLO's newsletter.

To select AAMLO as one of your preferred newsletters:

Oakland Youth Poet Laureate eNewsletter

The Oakland Youth Poet Laureate program is an unprecedented citywide effort to celebrate literacy through poetry and connect young writers to far-reaching opportunities. Subscribe to get occasional news about the Oakland Youth Poet Laureate (OYPL) program.

Here's an example of the OYPL newsletter.

To select OYPL as one of your preferred newsletters:

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