Press Coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mar. 2020-Mar. 2022
Cover of the East Bay Express newspaper dated March 18-24, End of Days [2020]. Oakland Public Library, Oakland History Center.A collection of newspaper clippings on the COVID-19 pandemic with a particular focus on the San Francisco Bay Area and Oakland. Clippings are primarily from the San Francisco Chronicle. Other sources include the Montclarion and the East Bay Express. The collection also includes some printouts of advisories, orders and statistics issued by the Alameda County Health Department and by the city of Oakland in the early months of the pandemic. In general, press coverage peaked in the first months of the pandemic and spiked again with the appearance of the Delta and Omicron variants of the virus.
(OHC COLL 2022-2)
26 folders in 3 boxes (1.5 linear feet)
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