- Si pequeña es la patria, uno grande la sueña. Mis ilusiones, y mis deseos, y mis esperanzas, me dicen que no hay patria pequeña / Rubén Darío
- Sickle
- Sierra Club
- Sierra High Country
- Sigh. Another disappointing dude.
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Silver Face
- Silvia Belladona
- Sinai
- Sisterfire (2004)
- Six Flags VIP
- Skechers
- Slavery in California
- Sleep Mask
- Sleep, Party
- Sloths
- Slow dried
- Smiles on the couch
- Snowflake
- Snuffy
- So sorry
- Soccer
- Soldados (2003)
- somebody before me
- Somos Cultivadoras De Lo Inexpresable (1978)
- Sorcha
- Soñado Despierta - Graciela Carrillo (1973)
- Spanglish Remix CD
- Spartan
- Spirit of Fear
- Splash!
- Sports
- Spring Festival (1984)
- Spring in NYC
- Squinkies
- Squirrel
- SS, Vol Two, Presented by Robert "Tres" Trujillo & Come Bien Books
- St. Moritz
- Star
- Starboard Port
- Statue of Liberty
- Steller's Sea Cow
- Still a Crisis
- stoicism
- Stonewall Jackson Trading Card
- Stop talking
- Stop the Esmeralda! Stop the Torture Ship! (1978)
- Storied Stitches Volume 4
- Strandger vs. the Girl With the Strong Arm, by Riz Dos
- Strengthening Anarchism's Gender Analysis: Lessons from the Transfeminist Movement, by J. Rogue
- Su bebé merece el mejor (1980)
- Su Voto Es Su Voz (1982)
- Sugar in the Raw
- Sultry angel
- Sun hat
- Sunset and Ocean Waves
- Sunshine Castle R.I.P.
- Super Friends
- Superlotto Card
- Support your Local Windmill! (c. 1980)
- Surf City
- Surgery
- Surprises
- Sweet Gum
- Sweet Sadie
- sweetie
- Swept Away
- Switzerland
- Symphonic Concert of Latin American Music (1970)
- Sí se puede
- Sí se puede
- Taichung --> Taipei
- Take me away
- Tastes Like Sugar
- Tasty: (Selected) Diary Entries From My Eating Disorder, by Sofie Mikhaylova
- Teaching Consent to My Kitten, by Sierra Black
- Teens
- Television
- Temporary Construction Parking
- Tenaz (1974)
- Thank You
- thank you for coming to my party
- Thanks
- Thanks for making my moondy
- that was then and this is now
- The Amputee #1, Winter 2000/2001, edited by Daniel Lamere
- The and is hear
- the article
- The Awakening of the Machine
- The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez (1982)
- The beach
- The Best Time's Ever
- The Closest Thing to God in This Life is a Womxn, Issue 2: Womxn/Women of Color Perspectives
- The Computerized Poet
- The Cubby Missalette #17
- The Cubby Missalette #21: What the Fuck?!, edited by Conor Yates and Joel Perez
- The Cultural Roots of Chicana Literature (1981)
- The Day Before the Revolution, a story by Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Drunk Punk Workbook: A Step Working Guide to Getting Sober Without Gods or Masters, by Tim Spock
- The Fall