Events for Adults

Events for Adults

We have so much going on at the library.  We can't wait to see you!

Event Accessibility

OPL locations are wheelchair accessible. To request disability-related accommodations or to request American Sign Language (ASL), or other forms of interpretation, please call the event contact or 510-238-3254 (TTY) at least five (5) working days before the event. Please refrain from wearing scented products as a courtesy to attendees with chemical sensitivities. 

Featured Event

Exhibit: Buster Crabbe Saves the City!

Feb 7th - Apr 25th | All day
This exhibit tells Buster Crabbe's story in his own words, alongside highlights from Oakland history during his heyday.

Here's a sampling of the types of events you can find at the library:


OPL features talks on special topics from local experts.

To name just a few: we've hosted Saturu Ned's talk on Black Panther Party History in Oakland, Dale Tafoya's discussion of his book, "Billy Ball: Billy Martin and the Resurrection of the Oakland A's", and East Bay Regional Park naturalist Constance Taylor's presentation "Roots-eye View: A Story of Oakland in Trees."

We host speakers online and in person.

Join us!

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