Oakland Public Library Main Branch to Close Temporarily for Infrastructure Upgrades

Main Library branch closed beginning May 27 for essential repairs and improvements to enhance library facilities.


Media Contact: Tarshel Beards, tbeards@oaklandlibrary.org

Oakland, CA – April 17, 2024

Oakland Public Library will close its Main Branch located at 125 14th Street for infrastructure upgrades from May 27, 2024 to an estimated date in early November 2024.

This temporary closure is necessary to complete essential repairs and improvements designed to enhance the library's facilities and provide a better experience for patrons.

Upgrades include:

  • New roof installation
  • Skylight repair
  • Critical electrical system upgrades
  • New boiler control system installation
  • Auditorium heating and cooling system installation (heat pump)
  • Improvements to lighting, flooring and ceilings throughout the building

Funding Secured Through Grants and Matching Funds

The Oakland Public Library secured funding for these critical repairs through a variety of sources. The California State Library's Building Forward Library Facilities Improvement Program awarded the Main Branch $4.2 million. To comply with the grant terms, the City of Oakland provided matching funds through Measures KK and U, as approved by the Oakland City Council in October 2023.

"We were able to secure the Building Forward Library Facilities grant thanks to Oakland's commitment to matching funds provided by Measures KK and U," said Library Director Jamie Turbak. "I am grateful to Oakland voters and the California State Library for making these crucial improvements possible."

Alternative Branches and Online Resources Available During Closure

While the Main Branch undergoes upgrades, patrons are encouraged to utilize alternative OPL branches and explore the library's extensive online resources.

“The Main Library is the hub for services and activities to the public as well as administrative operations for OPL,” Turbak said. “There is never a good time to close. However, these infrastructure upgrades underscore the critical need to invest in the future of the Main Library and are long overdue. While the Main Library is closed, I invite our patrons to visit one of our other branches and this summer participate in our robust summer programming for children, teens and adults.”

For the latest information on services and programs affected by the closure, as well as real-time updates, please visit the Main Closure Frequently Asked Questions section of the Oakland Public Library website. 

About the Oakland Public Library

The Oakland Public Library is a part of the City of Oakland in California and has been in existence since 1878. Locations include 16 neighborhood branches, a Main Library, a Second Start Adult Literacy Program, the Oakland Tool Lending Library, and the African American Museum and Library at Oakland (AAMLO). The Oakland Public Library empowers all people to explore, connect, and grow. Oaklandlibrary.org

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