OPL Invites You to Contribute to Exhibit: Shrine of Broken Hearts

contribute your artifacts, visit the shrine, come to a party, be part of the next OPL zine

Has your heart ever been broken? Sadly, so have ours.

Once a year we collect the objects of your broken hearts and put them on display at the Main Library. It's an annual pop-up museum of your broken heart nostalgia.

You can visit objects from the last shrine on our website and we hope you'll contribute to this year's display! Do you have memorabilia you'd like to share? 

If you'd like to donate an object to the Broken Heart Shrine, please bring it to any Oakland Public Library location by Friday, February 10th and include the following information:

  • your name
  • the title of the object
  • the story of the object
  • if you'd like the object back or would like us to burn it
  • your contact information

We'll celebrate the shrine and your broken heart at a launch party on February 13 at 5:30pm where we will also welcome on-the-spot contributions.

All who contribute will receive a free copy of OPL's Broken Heart zine. We'll work on a second issue at the party!

Stop by to visit the shrine beginning on February 13th!

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