OPL Programs Online

Watch Past Programs Online

Please note: most of our programs are currently in person. For questions and accessibility requests, email eAnswers@oaklandlibrary.org.


Online Events

Oakland Youth Poet Laureate Playlist

YouTube playlist featuring videos from the Oakland Youth Poet Laureate program.
New cars being loaded at Howard Terminal in Oakland, California, for shipment to Seattle.

Oakland History Center Playlist

YouTube playlist featuring videos from the Oakland History Center.

Online Programs for Kids

OPL's YouTube playlist featuring recorded programs for children.

Programs & Author Talks for Adults

Recorded programs at OPL or in partnership with OPL targeted towards adults.

Black Love and Hip Hop Heal an Oakland Community's Pain

Watch members of SOL Development as they embody a new vision for how art and music reflect a community’s pain and work to heal its traumas.

On Visions of Black Futurity

Babette Thomas discussing her project "On “Visions of Black Futurity” looking at the work of E.J. Montgomery and the Black Arts Movement.

OPL Black Culture Fest 2022 - Crafts for Adults

Black History Month craft ideas for adults!

Jazz: A Film by Ken Burns on Kanopy

Jazz is born in the unique musical and social cauldron of New Orleans at the turn of the 20th century.

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