Black Panthers at 50: Syllabus – Events – Exhibits

Oakland Library commemorates the Black Panther Party's 50th Anniversary with events, exhibits and a syllabus for K-12 students.

Fifty years ago, the Black Panthers took to the streets of Oakland to defend Black residents against police violence and city neglect. Soon, the Panthers electrified America with a bold image of Black militancy and some very basic demands, “We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace."

Who were the Panthers and what did they achieve? What can we learn from their influence on culture, music and mass media? From their grassroots social programs — including free breakfast for children, health clinics and liberation schools — and from their "Rainbow Coalition" uniting poor people of all races. Yes, the Panther’s did that too.

In partnership with the Oakland Museum of California and former Black Panther Party members, Oakland Public Library proudly commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the Black Panther Party with events, exhibits and a resource guide for K-12 students.


Teachers and students, explore our Black Panthers syllabus featuring books, films, audio and lesson plans for Grades K-12.

Share your lesson plans and additions in the comments below, or on Twitter using  #BPP50Syllabus @oaklibrary

Patrons of all ages can browse our catalog, opens a new window for hundreds more Black Panthers books and films, or visit our Oakland History Room and African American Museum and Library to see original photos, posters, newspapers and rare items.