Working in the Oakland History Center involves solving countless mysteries. The majority of our work is finding the answers to people's questions, but sometimes we also have to solve mysteries about items in our collection. Whether that means trying to identify where a photo was taken, or figuring out why we have a certain book, there's always something interesting to research.
This video is one example. We know that it’s a video of the Young Artists' Stage at the Festival at the Lake in 1992. We know that watching it is like a dose of pure joy. Kids from all over Oakland are singing, dancing, clowning, reciting poems, and playing taiko drums. It’s 1992, so the fashions are stunning and the song choices are impeccable. I was singing the very catchy and informational Festival at the Lake theme song from the beginning of the video for days after watching. I highly recommend watching the whole thing if you have an hour to spare.

But, then there's the question of what else would be nice to know about this video. I would love to be able to provide a better description for this video, because a good description would make it easier for people to find and enjoy. But I’m having trouble matching the printed program with the performers in the video. Can you help? Maybe you were a part of one of these groups, or maybe you were in the audience cheering on your friends or family members. A few groups are easy to identify, with the help of the Festival program, but most are not.
Here’s the breakdown of when new groups take the stage in the video. Starting at…

For reference, here's what the program looked like for the Young Artists' Stage on Saturday and Sunday. The video seems like it has been edited from the original performance order, and not everyone listed in the program made it onto the video. There’s definitely no Folklorico and no Fancy Dancers.

And here's a little description from the program of what I assume is one of the high school age choral groups in the video, Street Sounds and/or Joyful Sounds:

I don’t need everyone’s names, but I would like to know the names of the groups or what schools or organizations they’re representing. Please let us know in the comments, or send us an email at with any clues you can share.
Want to know more about Festival at the Lake? Make an appointment or stop by the Oakland History Center. Want to see more of our digitized video and audio recordings? Head over to our California Revealed site to see and hear much more.
If you enjoy trying to figure out mysteries like this, please be sure to follow the Oakland History Center's brand new Instagram account (@oaklandhistorycenter) where we'll be posting items from our collection, behind the scenes photos of our work, and more mysteries that we need help identifying.
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