Would you like to understand how to make healthy financial decisions? Or ask yourself, how do I achieve a sense of balance within the world of personal finance? What's a budget, and why is it important? Is investing the right choice for me? How do I even go about it? What are my goals and dreams, and how can they be achieved through the financial decisions I make? Below are several resources to help you get started on your healthy financial journey:
Money Smart for Young People – FDIC Money Smart for Young People features four free age-appropriate curricula that promote financial understanding and are specifically designed for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade educators.
Money Matters – For over 20 years, Money Matters: Make it Count has taught teens how to set goals, budget, save and invest. In addition to staff-led financial literacy sessions, young people practice their financial decision-making skills through fun, engaging digital tools and games. Teens who complete Money Matters show improved financial management skills, including saving money and sticking to a budget.
Jump$tart – Participants learn about the interrelationship between today’s financial decisions and future financial freedom. To achieve financial wellness, participants learn about money-management strategies, including earning, employment and income, budgeting, savings, credit and debt, consumer protection, smart shopping, risk management, and investing.
Intuit for Education – Explore Intuit's real-world tools and simulations that have helped millions of students learn about finance.
Youth Financial Education | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – Developing financial knowledge, skills, and habits is an important stepping stone on young people’s path to adult financial well-being.
19 Free Financial Literacy Games for High School Students – These games will teach teens lots of really important financial lessons, such as:
- How loans work and how loan sharks take advantage of people
- How choices made right now and during college can greatly affect their future finances
- How the stock market works, and look at rewards in light of risks
- How much they’ll need to earn from a job in order to live their dream life
- And much more…
#TeenResources: Financial Literacy – Want to read more? Check out these books from the OPL collection on personal finance and financial literacy geared towards teens:
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