
你的圖書館提供網上資源、書籍、數碼影像光碟 (DVD) 等等,以幫助你實現英語學習目標。
請發電郵給我們:eAnswers@oaklandlibrary.org, opens a new window。
Online Learning
This powerful language-learning tool offers 22 months of content, beginner - advanced, for 80 languages and ESL instruction.
Preparing you for U.S. Citizenship
Browse ESL and other videos for learning English on Kanopy.
Preparación para obtener la ciudadanía estadounidense.
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Language Learning Events
Library resource help/ Ayuda con los recursos de biblioteca
Mar 12th | 12:00pm - 2:00pm -
Tea 'n' Chisme: English Conversation Club for Teens
Mar 14th | 3:30pm - 5:00pm