
Academic Journals

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Gale Academic OneFile

Articles and indexing of college-level periodicals (1980 - present).

Gale General OneFile

Search and access magazine articles.

Gale OneFile: Informe Académico

Academic sources for research in Spanish. Recursos académicos para búsquedas y investigaciones en español.

Gale Power Search

Search all Gale publications and source materials at once.

American Physical Society

APS is a nonprofit membership organization working to advance & diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals.

Gale In Context: Science

Search an array of topics from science magazines.

Gale In Context: Environmental Studies

Electronic resource including case studies, news, and videos on sustainability, global warming, and more.

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Up to date information on many topics for students, writers, and debaters.

Gale In Context: Biography

Stories about people in history.

Gale Literature Resource Center

Book reviews and biographies of authors.

Gale Psychology

Journals and magazines taking in all fields of psychology.

Black Thought and Culture

A collection of approximately 100,000 pages of non-fiction writings by major Black figures in America, covering 250 years of history.

Gale In Context: US History

Books, journals, maps, and documents about US History.

Gale In Context: World History

Books, journals, maps, and documents about World History.

Gale In Context: African American Perspectives

Study the history of African Americans in the United States.

African History, 500–1590

This resource from Gale In Context: World History covers this historical period in Africa.

Health & Wellness

Gale Health and Wellness

Health information for you from many sources.

Gale Nursing and Allied Health

Covers all aspects of the nursing career.

Gale Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine

Articles from magazines about what treatments work for specific sports.

NewsBank Hot Topics

Provides current information about important issues and events.
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