eBooks & Audiobooks for Kids

Featured Resources

Summaries and reviews of current books for kids and teens.
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Digital Reading Platforms for Kids


eBooks for our youngest readers. Interactive with games and puzzles.

Palace Picks for Kids

From picture books to early readers to chapter books, Palace Project offers lan independent, app-only e-reading experience.

OverDrive Kids

Find all our Overdrive children's eBooks and downloadable audiobooks or download using Overdrive's Libby app.

hoopla Kids

Free ebooks, audiobooks, movies, music, and comics. Switch on Kids' mode for safe browsing. Always available. Limited to 8 checkouts/month.

New eBooks & Audiobooks

Don't Know What to Read? Try Book Me.Don't Know What to Read? Try Book Me.

We'll help you pick your next book, whether you're reading by yourself or reading to someone small.
We'll help you pick your next book, whether you're reading by yourself or reading to someone small.

Libby AppLibby App

Find out all about using this exciting resource with your OPL card.
Find out all about using this exciting resource with your OPL card.
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