One of those projects started with a box of photos and family memorabilia. Some very old. Much unlabeled.
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Still, though, a story starts to come together. It starts with blurry black and white images and passed down oral histories. It ends, for now, with me. I'm here now and I'm scanning my own old photos and growing nostalgic. I'm thinking about my own life so far and how we are all so tied together.
Even as an OPL librarian, I can find myself surprised at the usefulness of some of the things we offer. I wasn't planning on writing a novel, so I didn't think much about Biblioboard for myself. This project, though, has made me realize that there is so much else that it is useful for.
October is Family History Month. I can't wait to get started, and I think this month is going to be a great time to start really putting pen to paper (fingers to keyboard) in honor of all families.

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