Did you know you can access the NYTimes online from anywhere, for free?
Say goodbye to paywalls and access the NYTimes, opens a new window through Your Library!
Are you at an OPL location? You can get unlimited access.
Outside the library? Here's how to access:
Step 1: Visit oaklandlibrary.org/nytimes, opens a new window
Step 2: Click the access link. This will generate the code for access.
Step 3: Register with an email address and password. *This one-time step is necessary
Step 4: You'll get an email confirmation and link to start accessing all NYTimes articles
The free pass is good for 72 hours, but never fear! Simply return to oaklandlibrary.org/nytimes, opens a new window and use your email to get another three day pass.
Questions? Assistance with e-resources? Email us: eAnswers@OaklandLibrary.org
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