#TipTuesday: The library book you can write in

Write in your library book.

No, really, we mean it!

Well...your library eBook, that is. Note-taking isn't just for print books. Libby lets you highlight text and write a note about what you've read.

What's even better? You'll find all the same notes again next time you access or borrow the same book.

Here's how I did it with the book I'm currently reading on my Libby app (The Premonition by Michael Lewis):

In the Libby app, tap the screen center to pull up the bookmark bar.

To bookmark a page, click the bookmark icon in the upper right hand corner.

To highlight text, tap a word and drag it until you reach the end of the area you want to highlight. Click the highlight button and select your highlighter color.

Want to add a note? Tap the area you highlighted and select "Make a note". You can then write whatever note you like.

Simply click on the bookmark in the bookmark bar anytime to access your saved bookmarks, highlights, and notes.

Do you "write" in your eBooks? Let us know how you use this feature.