Poetry Pen Pals
Share a poem. Read a poem. Connect.

A project from the 2024 Oakland Youth Poet Laureate, Ella Gordon.

Ella believes that poetry is a means to connection between generations. This project is designed to help that connection by collecting and sharing poetry with a focus on youth and older adults, but inclusive of all.
We welcome your participation!
Be a part of the project and share a poem! Choose the way that works best for you.
You can:
- Fill out this form
- Bring your poem to any Oakland Public Library location (with all the needed information listed below) addressed to Sharon McKellar, Teen Services
- Mail your poem (with all the needed information listed below) to Sharon McKellar, Teen Services, 124 14th Street, Oakland CA 94612
If you mail or bring a poem to an OPL location, please include:
- your full name (and if you'd like it included)
- your zip code
- the poem's title
- the poem's author (if it is you, let us know what, if any, name you want to use when listed as the author)
- your age category (youth, older adult, or other adult)
- what the poem means to you and /or what you'd like others to know about the poem
* Your poem and information may be shared on the library's website and may be sent in the mail to someone interested in receiving a poem.
Poetry Pen Pal Submission Form
Submit a poem to the OYPL Pen Pal Poetry project."*" indicates required fields